Time to update my on-going series...these images were all taken recently using the Fuji X-Pro 1.
Taken early morning in an empty parking lot near my home (perhaps an edition to my on-going series, "Parking")
Another image of my parking structure, this time following a rain. This is already part of the Parking series. (Incidentally, shortly after taking this photo, I was confronted by the building's security guard who told me, "NO photography allowed." I asked him, "why?" and he had no idea why. I showed him the image on the camera and just shrugged.)
Probably the image I'm most proud of in the past month or two. Why? Two reasons: it's an exploration for me into a more technical side of photography, long exposure (30") which requires (gasp!) a tri-pod. Secondly, it required me to wake-up early on a Sunday and drive down to Santa Monica...it would have been so easy to just sleep in. NOTE: this image, along with the images below, are processed to give a "faded" look including dust and scratches. Also note that the four or five large "dust" spots right below the horizon are buoys, not spots.
I'm not sure why I like this one so much. There's just something quite and beautiful about it. It belongs with the image below.
What's more beautiful and simple than a bench? This belongs with the image above. And, if you noticed, the three last images in this blog entry are all processed the same way, using a faded "Polaroid" look - these images ultimately might find there way into a new portfolio. Stay tuned.
...and one extra. By special request, an example with 18mm (30" exposure).